strict diet
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A strict diet can also lead to serious illnesses and diabetes

Strict diets, which are told that can help you lose several kilos in a short period of time, have pathogenic effects far more dangerous than obesity itself.

Scientifically speaking, these kinds of diets are the worst and the most unstable method to reach the desired weight.

Thinness doesn’t mean reducing body size and weight, but the scientific meaning of losing weight is to consume the energy sources in the body which are stored in the body due to the excessive use of different consumables such as fats, sugars, and carbohydrates.

Extra fats, considering the place in which they are stored in, do a lot of damage on different systems of the body. Abdominal fats release fatty acids into the blood flow; these fats, which are called “Bad cholesterol” (LDL), are oxidized by free radicals and cause arterial occlusion.

Arterial occlusion gradually causes high blood pressure, and as a result of that coronary artery diseases, kidney failure, blindness, and strokes.

Reaching thinness for obese people means consuming these kinds of fats that if accumulated, can have potential harm to the body’s systems.

Every kilogram accumulated fat in the body is equivalent to 7 thousand kilocalories (energy unit). Energy can never die, it merely changes and transforms into light, heat, and kinesis; therefore, obese people can transform the stored energies, which are more than the necessary amount for the body, into heat and motion, by physical activities and working out, and reduce their weight this way.

In addition to physical activities, to lose weight, obese people should reduce their daily usage of consumables without omitting the vitamins, vegetables, proteins, fats, bread, and grains.

No diet can reduce the accumulated fats in the body in a short period of time. Because 60 percent of our body is made of water, very low-calorie diets like protein diets, which are known as the fastest way to lose weight, can only help remove the water from the body and reduce weight, but after a short while the weight loss stops and even continuing the diet wouldn’t make a change.

Side effects of strict weight-loss diets

Strict and unorthodox diets have very dangerous pathogenic effects which gradually show up in people who follow these diets.

The immune system is responsible for keeping you alive, so when bumping into a lack of energy, as the first act to make amends, it reaches the muscles and fulfills its need for energy by consuming the fats inside the muscles. Therefore, not only these diets don’t help you achieve your desired weight and size but also cause side effects such as muscle loss, rickets, anemia, hair loss, and loss of freshness in your skin.

Obeying a strict diet, also makes you crave food, so after a while, you will get tired of these diets and start overeating, and this process makes you gain weight more quickly.

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