Fat grafting in Iran

Fat Transfer in Iran

Iran has highly experienced plastic surgeons, and specialized hospitals & clinics. Furthermore, the very reasonable cost of Fat Transfer in Iran has made the country an ideal destination for Health Tourists from other countries who wish to have a fat grafting in  Iran.

Fat Transfer Packages

All fat grafting packages are provided with different levels of quality ECONOMY, COMFORT, and VIP and different destinations TEHRAN, ISFAHAN, SHIRAZ, and MASHHAD.

Fat Transfer Before and After Photos

Get in Touch!

Step1 : Contact Us

Your submitted request will be reviewed by our doctors. We will get back to you within 24 Hours.

Step2 : Qoutation

You get medical opinion and cost estimate

Step3 : Pre Arrivial

We plan your trip.

We arrange your medical visa , flight, ticket, appointments, accommodation etc.

Step4: Arrival in Iran

You arrive in Iran and we organize your entire pre-treatment affairs and other required services

Step5: Treatment

You go to hospital and receive best treatment services

Step6: Recovery

Post-treatment recuperation and check up .you can see Iran if you want as a tourist.

Step7: Follow-ups

Return home / Forthcoming follow-up / Keep in touch with your doctor through us

Why Mitramed?

  • We will assist you to acquire a medical visa.
  • Before you make your trip, we will provide you with free advice via sending photos to the medical team.
  • You can easily choose from our Packages or pick out your own custom package.
  • By choosing the MitraMed team, you will be able to experience having your Fat Transfer in Iran in the shortest time possible & without having to make any previous appointments.
  • We are cooperating with the best surgeons in Iran and we will introduce them to you.
  • Our activity is supervised by the Iranian Ministry of Health & the Iranian Ministry of Tourism.
  • We will be by your side and accompany you after the surgery until you obtain the final quality of your surgery.
  • We offer the best tourism services including accommodation, transfer, surgical teams & advanced clinics for cosmetic surgery, and personal interpreters & assistants.

IRAN, An Ideal Destination for Fat Transfer

Competitive Brow Lift Cost in Iran

The overall cost of fat injection depends on the volume of Fat that is being transferred, the area of the body that is harvested and injected, and additional costs such as the cost of the clinic, the tests that need to be done prior to the surgery, the cost of the medical team, etc.

The cost of fat transfer in Iran is approximately 800 to 1000 USD  per area. The same treatment in pioneer countries such as the US and in Europe is between 5,000 to 6,000 USD and between 2,000 to 4,000 USD in countries such as Thailand, India, and Turkey.

Cost of Fat Transfer in Iran
Iran Map

Iran is a Fascinating Tourist Destination with Hospitable & Noble People

Alongside experiencing a successful Fat Injection in Iran, you can enjoy memorable & pleasurable moments in Iran.

According to the most recent statistics published by UNESCO, Iran is amongst the top 10 countries regarding internationally registered cultural and natural heritage in the world.

Best Fat Transfer Surgeons in Iran

According to the latest statistics published by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), with over 400 international plastic surgeons, Iran ranks amongst the top 15 countries in the world. Many of these surgeons have passed their specialized aesthetics and plastic courses in the best universities in America and Europe.

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Fat Transfer Popularity

According to the recently published 2020 report from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), with approximately 600,000 successful surgeries registered worldwide, facial fat injections alone are the 8th most popular cosmetic surgery.

Fat Transfer in Iran, like many other countries in the world, has become a trend and popular these days.

The reason behind the popularity of Fat Transfer in Recent Years are:

  1. You benefit in two ways when you have a fat transfer because whether you like it or not, to inject fat into any part of your body in order to achieve a more aesthetic form, fat tissue must be removed from a donor area of ​​your body, which means achieving a more beautiful form in two, or even several areas of the body.
  2. Fat cells are accompanied by stem cells, which, if injected into the facial area, help to rejuvenate the skin on the face.

What is fat transfer?

Fat grafting is also known by the following titles:

  • Lipofilling
  • Free fat grafting
  • Fat transfer
  • Fat injections
  • Autologous fat transfer

We all have an excess amount of fat in our bodies. If there is enough of this accumulated fat in the body, liposuction or lipomatic can be used in order to remove (harvest) the excess fat from areas such as the abdomen, hips, or backs (referred to as the donor site), and injected into areas that need an increase in volume, or improvements in function, such as the breasts, buttocks, face, and even the hands. This medical procedure is called grafting.

Read More: Fat Transfer Hand Rejuvenation in Iran

Read More: Fat Transfer to Buttocks (BBL) in Iran

Read Also: Liposuction in Iran

Read Also: Lipomatic in Iran

Facial Fat Transfer in Iran

Currently, Fat Transfer to Face is an ideal option for those who want to avoid injecting dermal fillers, the risks associated with them, and relevant care.

Despite the fact that most people assume that the most important signs of aging are the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, one of the main reasons for these problems is the loss of facial volume.

Autologous fat tissue is considered by many to be the ideal filler for facial rejuvenation, owing to the fact that it is one of the most biocompatible skin fillers that causes very rare allergic reactions.

Common treatment areas include wrinkles on the nose (between the nose and lips), Marionette lines (between the lips and chin), smooth cheeks, drooping jaws, and sunken arear under the eyes.

What is Facial Fat Grafting?

Facial tissues readily accept autologous fat without any concern regarding an immune or carcinogenic reaction. This method is performed as a separate or complementary method for any facial cosmetic procedure, such as a facelift, in order to enhance the final aesthetic result.

Read More: Facelift in Iran

Read More: Dermal Filler Injection in Iran

Stem Cells – The Secret Behind Skin Rejuvenation in Fat Transfer to Face

Stem cells are found in various tissues of the body. The most common areas for obtaining stem cells are the umbilical cord, and bone marrow. Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) can turn into bone, cartilage, muscle, and fat cells. Adipose tissue injected into the body, such as the face, contains these stem cells. Scientific research indicates that this has had a positive effect on the rejuvenation of facial skin cells, or the reproduction of lost muscle tissue.

Fat Transfer to Face Popularity

Before Having a Fat Transfer in Iran

  • After taking the initial and required tests in Iran, such as a blood test, your surgeon will explain how the fat transfer will be carried out.
  • Areas for fat removal and fat injection are marked with lines.
  • Tumescent solution (also called “wetting” solution) is injected into the donor area to remove fat.
  • In facial fat grafting your surgeon in Iran will evaluate the structure of your face and the aging process, and talk to you about the various treatment options available so that you fully understand all the risks, benefits, and alternatives to the approach.

Fat Transfer Procedure

Fat Transfer in Iran is usually performed under general anesthesia. Depending on the area of ​​surgery, and the volume of fat harvesting and injection, the procedure will take between 1 to 1.5 hours. A fat grafting surgery has 3 stages. fat harvesting, processing, and purification of the adipose tissue, and fat injection

Read More: How is a fat grafting procedure carried out?

Various Types of Fat Transfer

There are 3 major categories of fat transfer based on adipose tissue size:

Macro Fat Transfer in Iran

This method involves using a large size cannula with a dimension of 7 mm. Using this method is a better choice in cases where the area to be injected is large, such as injections in the breasts or buttocks. This approach is NOT recommended for smaller areas such as the face. This method preserves stem cells better.

Micro Fat Transfer in Iran

Micro Fat Transfer

This method is carried out using a cannula with a size of 0.7 to 0.9 and has better performance for the facial area. In this approach, the adipose tissue will be injected in smaller amounts and have more surface area that is in contact with the blood cells at the injection site. This increases the chance of survival of the injected adipose tissue.

Nano Fat Grafting

In Nano Fat Transfer, adipose tissue is mechanically processed into a liquid called nano-fat. This method has the highest number of stem cells, which will have a better effect on skin rejuvenation.

After Having a Fat Transfer in Iran

  • After having Fat Transfer in Iran, the patient can be discharged from the hospital/clinic the same day, and resume their normal lifestyle after several days.
  • After injecting the purified fat tissue into the desired area, only the adipose tissue that is nourished by the circulating blood of that area survives and remains in that area. According to studies, this amount is approximately 30% of the total fat that has been injected.

Fat Transfer Recovery

• The small wounds left over from the fat harvesting process heal within a week.
• You can go back to work one week after having your fat grafting surgery.
• You can resume your low-intensity exercise after about 3 weeks.
• You will have symptoms of bruising and inflammation at the fat harvesting site for up to 3 weeks.
• You will experience numbness at the fat harvesting site for 1 to 6 months.

Fat Transfer Risks and Possible Complications

  • Just like many other surgeries, fat grafting has its risks. The risks of fat transfer in Iran are reduced if the procedure is carried out by a plastic or cosmetic surgeon.
  • The risk of fat grafting includes the risk of fat harvesting during liposuction & lipomatic surgery, and the risk of the fat injection in the desired area.
  • We have fully explained the possible risks of liposuction and lipomatic surgeries in the pages related to these two procedures.
  • Furthermore, not paying attention to fat injection in such a way that it is injected sparsely in the desired location may cause fat cysts of dense fat masses at one point.

You should also bear in mind that research is still ongoing regarding the effectiveness of fat grafting in some areas of the face, such as the lips.

Fat Transfer Results

Up to 70% of the injected adipose tissue in a fat grafting surgery may be lost within a few months after the injection. This amount can be reduced to 50% if the surgery meets the ideal conditions of fat grafting that we will explain below.

  • Surgeons usually inject more fat to compensate for this loss. Of course, it should be noted that this amount should NOT exceed a certain limit in order to avoid the death of all living adipose tissue.
  • Stable and final results of fat grafting, including fat volume, and body lines in the desired area are usually obtained within 3 to 4 months.
  • Usually, the results of fat grafting are more long-lasting and stable for several years compared to other filler injection methods.

Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Fat Transfer in Iran

  • Having a sufficient amount of adipose tissue in the donor zone (for more fat injection).
  • Increasing the quality of blood supply in the desired area for injection (using BRAVA device, or Cypress oil).
    • Optimal cannula size during adipose tissue harvesting (micrografting or macrografting).

    There is controversy among surgeons as to whether large-sized cannulas or small-sized cannulas can increase the effectiveness of fat grafting. Some surgeons believe that a larger cannula separates larger pieces of adipose tissue so that they survive. On the other hand, some doctors believe that a small cannula removes adipose tissue in small amounts, which will become less damaged during the injection stage, and the blood circulation will nourish the tissue better.

Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Fat Transfer in Iran
  • Quality of processing and purification of living fat cells during the injection process (using centrifugation, physical filtration, or washing methods).
  • The plastic or cosmetic surgeon’s accuracy and experience in correctly and effectively injecting the adipose tissue. (scattered injection in different layers).

Comparison Between Fat Grafting and Dermal Fillers

Advantages of Fat Injection Over Dermal Fillers

  • Adipose tissue that is nourished by the blood supply tissue after injection will last for a very long time, which is much better than the lifespan of fillers (which is several months).
  • Removing fat from an area with excess fat leaves a more aesthetic form.
  • Unlike fillers, harvested fat from the body can be injected into any other area of ​​the body without the risk of allergies.
  • Fat cells carry stem cells that can help rejuvenate the skin at the injection site.

Read More: Filler Injection in Iran

Disadvantages of Fat Injection Compared to Dermal Fillers

  • Fat transfer in Iran is more expensive compared to filler injection. However, due to its longer lifespan, the cost is less in the long run.
  • Contrary to dermal fillers, fat injection requires liposuction surgery, which has a recovery period of one week.
  • Fat injection in Iran is NOT recommended for the lip area, and dermal fillers yield safer results for this area.

Fat Transfer Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried to gather most often questions from our clients regarding Fat Transfer in Iran , however, if you have not received answers to your questions we are more than happy to help, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

Is it possible for fat transfer to the nose?

Fat Transfer to Nose has rapidly become very popular in rhinoplasty. The occurrence of irregularities after rhinoplasty is very challenging. The use of crushed cartilage or the use of fine scratches is usually ineffective, and sometimes even complicates the issue further. This method is safe and is used as an auxiliary method. In most cases, desirable results are achieved.

Read More: Rhinoplasty in Iran

What is the difference between fat grafting and flap transfer?

After being harvested from the body, fat cells lose their blood cells and float on them, while in a flap, blood supply tissue, as well as a part of the skin are included, and are connected to the desired area with the help of microsurgery. On the other hand, in fat grafting in Iran, we have the transfer of adipose tissue without any extra cells or tissue.

Due to this purification of adipose tissue, between 30% and 35% of fat cells die during the transition phase.

But what happens to the other 70% fat injected in my body?

The remaining 70% is absorbed by the body in such a way that the body automatically and naturally removes the dead fat tissue. This is the body’s natural process which is called apoptosis.

For whom is Fat Transfer suitable?
  • The patient must be in perfect health,
  • The patient must have a BMI below 35,
  • They must have enough fat to transfer

Young people or women who have not yet had a child may gain weight in the future, so it is best to have their fat transfer after their weight becomes stable and fixed.

Which areas of the body are usually selected for fat transfer?
  • – Abdominal, side, waist, lower buttocks, hands, back- Common fat injection sites in the body include:
    • Facial fat grafting
    • Breasts
    • Hips
    • Buttocks
    • Hands
    • Feet
Why is fat transfer in Iran so cheaper compared to the prices in other countries?

Surgery, accommodation and tourist services are much cheaper in Iran compared to other countries in the world. This is mainly because of the low value of the Iranian currency (IRR).

How much volume can I get from a fat transfer in Iran?

It depends on the amount of volume desired, the site which is being treated, and the amount of fat available for transfer.

What will happen if I gain weight?

Fat cells can expand if weight is gained, causing expansion in the treated areas. Harvest areas can also gain fat slowly, since there will be fewer fat cells remaining in the area.

How big are the scars from fat transfer?

Fat transfer offers great results with minimal scarring. Liposuction scars are fairly small and discreet and the tiny cannulas used for injecting the fat leave almost no scar whatsoever.

    1. friedrich 2021-05-25 at 23:53

      Hi, how I can become sure that I am a good candidate for fat transfer? I need more information about the ideal weight and other factors such as cholesterol, LDL, HDL, blood sugar, fat and …
      thanks for your kindness in answering my questions

      • Mitramedical 2021-05-26 at 13:36

        Hi Friedrich, We Explain briefly your question above on the title of “For whom is Fat Transfer suitable?”. It’s better to have fat transfer if you have a BMI of 35 or lower and you have enough fat on your body. also, you must be healthy and your cholesterol, LDL, HDL, blood sugar, fat should be in the normal range.

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