prp injection in Iran

PRP Injection in Iran

One of the concerns of many people nowadays is hair fall which occurs due to many reasons. With the incremental increase of this concern, the treatment methods are added each day so that the problem of many more people are covered. One of the most recent treatments of hair loss is PRP injection.

However, the effects of PRP injection in Iran is not limited to hair fall, but also it covers faster healing of injuries, musculoskeletal injuries, tendonitis, osteoarthritis, etc.

IRAN, An Ideal Destination for PRP Injection

Competitive Cost of PRP Injection in Iran

By choosing Iran as your destination for having the PRP Injection done, you can reduce the overall cost of the procedure by up to 80 %.

Each PRP Injection Session

United States 800$
England 700$
Thailand 600$
Turkey 500$
India 350$
Iran 200$

Iran is a Fascinating Tourist Destination with Hospitable & Noble People

Alongside experiencing a successful PRP Injection in Iran, you can enjoy memorable & pleasurable moments in Iran.

According to the most recent statistics published by UNESCO, Iran is amongst the top 10 countries regarding internationally registered cultural and natural heritage in the world.

Before and After Photos

PRP Injection in Iran

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prp injection before after photo results
prp injection before after results
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Platelet-Rich-Plasma Worldwide

According to the data we achieved from the Google Trends , you can see the sensible increasing trends  of patients that were looking for PRP Injection in the google search engine over the last 10 years.

Platelet-Rich-Plasma Worldwide

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Plasma is a part of the blood that is made of protein and water and helps the flow of red and white blood cells and also fact, plasma that is dense with platelets is platelet-rich plasma. To reach it, some blood is taken from the applicant and it’s taken in a centrifuge for its components to be separated. Then, its platelets are made 4-5 times more through a process. The time of the procedure depends on the different treatments, but on average, it takes 15 minutes.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

What is PRP Injection?

PRP injection is in fact injecting plasma rich in platelets. PRP injection is a natural method of stimulating the body to heal faster. The major material is the platelets that lead to the stimulation of new cells growth and also the excretion of the damaged cells.

History of Using PRP

PRP injection has been being used since 50 years ago and first, it was used to help patients with heart conditions who had surgery. Gradually, it was proved that it had to repair properties and it was used in other parts, as well.

In 80 and 90 decades, it was used in sports medicine to improve the damages from the sports in athletes faster. In the previous decade, PRP injection has been used for many cosmetic purposes.

Who is PRP Injection Suitable for?

  • Those who are in the initial stages of hair loss.
  • Those who have patches or losing areas.
  • Those who have sparse hair, but still so many follicles.
  • Those who enjoy general health and do not take meds that influence bleeding.
Who is PRP Injection NOT Suitable for?
  1. Those who have abnormal platelet function or low platelet count.
  2. Those who suffer from anemia.
  3. Those who suffer from cancer.
  4. Those with infections.
  5. People with autoimmune diseases.
  6. People with chronic liver diseases.
  7. People with chronic skin diseases.
  8. Hemodynamic instability
  9. Hypofibrinogenemia
  10. Metabolic disorders
  11. Sepsis
  12. Thyroid disease

How does PRP Injection Take Place?

How does PRP Injection procedure Take Place

First, the doctor numbs part of your body which is supposed to be injected. After that, plasma is injected there. For instance, if PRP is injected for muscle damage, some parts of the intended muscle will be injected.

The doctors use ultrasound to make sure they have targeted the correct area. PRP injection usually takes 30 minutes, but can also vary depending on the area.

When platelets are placed in the correct region, they are decomposed and release compounds that cause the cells to repair faster.

PRP Injection Uses

Using PRP for Sport damages

In the 80s and 90s, PRP injection was used to improve joint injuries. Since joints have less blood flow around them, they heal more slowly. Accordingly, PRP can repair the ligaments by increasing the movement range.

Using PRP for Damaged Muscles

PRP injection can be used to improve the minor or even thorough muscle tears to reduce the recovery period. In addition, it can strengthen the muscular fibers.

Using PRP for Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that has no definite treatment and most of the remedies aim to lessen the pain. Yet, many doctors inject PRP as the first cure when Arthritis occurs.

Research has shown that PRP can actually neutralize or stop the damage from Arthritis. In fact, PRP helps generate new cells and alters new cells with old ones and accordingly, improves the target area. You’d better continue this treatment.

Using PRP Injection for Arthritis
Using PRP for Tendonitis

Treating injured tendonitis is so difficult due to the hypovascular nature they have and it means that there is not much blood flow here. Injecting PRP can help pace up the recovery of tendonitis in addition to resting.

Doctors use PRP injection to treat chronic conditions such as Tennis elbow, Achilles ’ heel, and jumper’s knee or pain in the patellar tendon of the knee.

Using PRP for Hair Loss

One of the most important cases of using PRP injection is the revival of hair growth and preventing hair fall. According to the research, injecting PRP is quite efficient in Androgenic alopecia AGA which is known as Male Pattern Baldness.

In fact, when the platelets are injected deep into the skin so that they reach the lower parts of the hair follicles, they stimulate a group of cells named skin papilla cells influential in hair growth.

How is PRP Injected to Reduce Hair Loss?

After PRP is prepared, the area which is supposed to be injected will be locally anesthetized.

After that, this solution will be injected within half an inch of distance to the sparse part of the scalp. All of this procedure may take only half an hour.

The treatment sessions are usually three, within 1 month intervals and in the rest, the preserving sessions are every 3-6 months to keep the results.

What Needs to be done before Injecting PRP?

  1. Avoid taking meds such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen that make your blood thin.
  2. For a while, use vitamins and especially omega-3 fatty acids under your doctor’s supervision.
  3. You’d better have a good nutrition before having your blood taken, because your blood pressure may drop.

Recovery after the PRP Injection

  1. Take a warm shower as it helps increase the blood flow.
  2. Stay hydrated: drink enough water after the surgery. Try not to use ice and instead, use cold compress.
  3. Use Tylenol pain killer: try to use painkillers with Tylenol. Using Aspirin, Ibuprofen. Naproxen, and Voltaren is not recommended as they include anti-inflammations while anti-inflammation is actually helpful for this surgery.
  4. Avoid exposure to sunlight, and doing heavy exercise.
  5. Avoid taking alcohol, smoking and having coffee.
  6. Try not to wet the target area: you may wash your hair only one day after the procedure.
  7. Use shampoo with balanced PH: in the first 3 days after the treatment, only use shampoos that are PH-balancing.
  8. Use no hair products at least 6 hours after the PRP injection.
  9. Avoid using Minoxidil (82M, Rogaine®), dying hair or ironing it for three days after the procedure.

Is PRP Injection Riskless?

PRP injection can be one of the least risky treatment procedures because of the following reasons:

  1. PRP is autologous. In other words, the blood is taken from the individual’s own body and there are no consequences of using donated blood.
  2. It is non-invasive. Although in some instances where the damage is more serious, PRP injection cannot be used, for less severe cases, it is thoroughly helpful.
  3. This method can alter using chemical and painkillers that have many side effects.
PRP Injection Side Effects
  • Blood vessel damage in the scalp
  • Nerve damage
  • Infection in the injection area
  • Calcification or scar in the injection area

Results of PRP Injection for Hair Loss

Results of PRP injection for hair loss may take up to 6 months. Evidence shows that if PRP is mixed with local Minoxidil (Rogaine) or oral Finasteride (Propecia) which is an anti-Androgenic, the effect will be more.

Considering what has been said, PRP injection cannot be suitable for all types of hair loss. Normally, it is better to be used by individuals who are in the initial stages of Androgenic alopecia hair loss. Before beginning this treatment, consult with your doctor and he will help you make the best decision considering your circumstances.

Is PRP Injection Efficient in Hair Loss?

Although the efficiency is not 100% proved, some research show that its effectiveness is much more.

A 2014 study from an authorized reference shows that in 11 people who suffer from Androgenic alopecia, injecting 2-3 cm3 of PRP in their scalp for 2 weeks in 3 months can increase the average follicles from 71 units to 93. This study is too small for a conclusion, but shows that PRP may be able to help increase the hair follicle counts that can actively support healthy hair.

Study in 2015 showed that from 10 people who had injected PRP for 3 months every 2-3 weeks, the number of hairs, their thickness and the strength of the hair roots were improved. This research further confirms other findings of the studies on PRP and hair loss. Yet, still 10 people is small community to confirm the effectiveness of PRP for sure.

A study in 2019 compared two groups of people who received different hair treatments. One 20-member group used Minoxidil (Rogaine) and the other injected PRP. 30 individuals finished this research and the findings show that the performance of PRP was much better than Minoxidil for hair loss. Yet, this study can also show that you platelets leve can affect your plasma performance and your hair loss.

There is no evidence of the effectiveness of PRP injection in other hair loss types such as Telogen effluvium (stress-induced hair loss), Alopecia Areata (hair loss in patches without wounds that is related to autoimmune diseases).

PRP Injection Costs for Hair Loss

This method is rather expensive for hair loss treatment. It is not born by insurance companies, as it is considered a cosmetic surgery. In addition, other factors as is mentioned below can determine the cost:

  • Geographical location
  • Quality of the devices
  • Adding nutrients
  • Physician’s skill

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    Ultherapy Frequently Asked Questions

    We have tried to gather most often questions from our clients regarding PRP Injection in Iran, however, if you have not received answers to your questions we are more than happy to help, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Why is PRP Injection so cheaper compared to the prices in the other countries?

    PRP Injection in Iran, accommodation and tourist services are much cheaper in Iran compared to other countries in the world. This is mainly because of the low value of the Iranian currency (IRR).

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