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There has been a lot of Advertising about rhinoplasty control molds for a long time.

How does rhinoplasty control molds work?

In rhinoplasty control molds, images are first obtained by three-dimensional scanning of the person’s nose. By changing its shape, the images are closer to the desired shape of the person and the related surgeon with design devices.

As a result after the surgery, molds are prepared from that sample in three dimensions, which are placed on the nose at the end of the surgery so that the result of the operation is checked and coordinated with those molds.

Is control mold as effective and practical as advertised?

It should be said that no, it is only for propaganda purposes. Why?

The molds are designed in such a way that at the end of the surgery, when placed on the nose, the operated nose is similar to the form of the mold based on the claim. In fact, the nose is supposed to be operated in a way that comes in the form of a mold designed to be liked by the person.


The noses before the operation are completely different in terms of shape, characteristics, and defects, so in the best case and in the hands of the most skilled surgeons, it can not be claimed that the nose can be shaped exactly to that shape.

In rhinoplasty, there are limitations to claiming that a particular shape of a person’s nose is unrealistic. (Nothing is guaranteed in surgery.)


At the end of the operation, the nose, while shrinking, also has swelled. Therefore, in any form, when placed on the nose, it will almost take the shape of that mold.

control molds before after results

The process of forming and repairing an operated nose is a time-consuming process. The result of rhinoplasty changes gradually over a year and sometimes more until the nose regains its final shape. The swelling gradually decreases in the months after surgery. The end result is gradually being determined. Naturally, the final results are different from the result immediately after surgery.

Therefore, when it looks like a mold at the end of the operation (assuming it looks like a mold), it will not look like a designed mold at the end of the first year when the final shape of the nose is determined.


Almost all or most of the design Rhinoplasty Control Molds are similar and are modeled on a prototype and have no differences due to the very different noses from each other before the operation and are completely duplicated and copied from a sample.

Therefore, the use of Rhinoplasty Control Molds is not only not based on scientific principles, but also has a propaganda aspect and has no effect on the final result of rhinoplasty. In fact, they are an excuse to receive higher costs from clients who expect results similar to the designed sample.

It should be noted that every once in a while, methods that enter the market seem attractive. From thread lifts to plasma jets, control molds, etc., there will certainly be other tempting methods in the future that require the care and vigilance of people in using them.

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