Iranian Currency & Health Tourism Costs
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The Iranian Currency & Its Comparison with Other Currencies

The official currency used in Iran is Rial. But since the Rial is a very small unit of currency, another unit is often used in Iran which is called the Toman.

One Rial equals one tenth of a Toman. In other words, one Toman is equal to 10 Rials. For instance, when we say 1000 Rials, it is equal to 100 Tomans.

In recent years, due to economic reasons in Iran, the value of the national currency has severely declined, which has ultimately attracted the attention of many tourists and businessmen. Currently, every dollar in Iran is equal to approximately 15,300 Tomans or 153,000 Rials.

The price of the euro in Iran is approximately 16,600 Tomans which is equal to 166,000 Rials.

This comparison with the dollar and the euro was done with the aim of better understanding the current value of the Iranian currency.

The Effect of the Value of the Iranian Currency and the Vast Number of Foreign Tourists Entering the Country

Regarding the value of the Iranian currency, Iran is considered to be one of the cheapest tourist destinations throughout the world.

During the years 2017 until 2019, Iran turned into an interesting tourist destination regarding its facilities, security and tourist attractions as a result of the sudden & severe drop of the value of the Iranian Rial.

The number of foreign tourists entering the country rose approximately 53 %.

Assessments indicate that there is direct and meaningful relationship between the value of the currency and the number of tourists entering and exiting the country.

The Effect of the Value of the Iranian Currency on Health Tourism

The most important factor that a health tourist is concerned with, after being sure of the standards & quality of the medical services and security, is the cost of his / her medical trip to the destination country.

The matters above have been clearly explained in order to clarify the value of the Iranian currency and indicate how cheap this country is for foreign tourists.

We can therefore evaluate the effect of the Iranian currency on medical tourism demands.

There are many countries around the world that provide high quality medical services just like Iran.

But many tourists are discouraged and decide NOT to travel to countries the likes of the US, England, Australia, Japan, South Korea and the United Arab Emirates because of the extremely high cost of medical & tourist services there.

On the other hand, there are some countries around the world that provide high quality medical services & safe traveling conditions in addition to having expert physicians and skilled nurses at a much lower and economical cost.

Iran; the Cheapest Destination for Health Tourists

Iran is on the list of the cheapest, yet best, destinations for health tourists. There are other countries on this list such as IndiaThailand and Turkey. But during the last couple of years, the cost of medical services in Iran has dropped to far less than that in these countries.

Health tourist can obtain the highest quality and cheapest medical services from the experienced and skilled members of medical sciences. Apart from all this, the low value of the Iranian currency directly affects all aspects of a trip which include: accommodations, transportation, insurance, food and other additional side costs.

These factors have resulted in a considerable number of health tourists who travel to Iran and benefit from the high quality, yet cheap, medical services being provided in this country.

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