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Nine Major Reasons for Undergoing Revision Rhinoplasty

Based on studies, 15% of patients who have had a nose job will need to undergo a revision rhinoplasty for some reason after the final results are determined.

This is sometimes due to the inexperience of the surgeon, or because the patient is not careful in following post-surgery recommendations.

As a result, problems arise that require the person to undergo rhinoplasty for a second time.

The most important of these reasons include:

1. Having Obtained an Unnatural Look

Most probably, one of the reasons why we undergo a nose job is to correct its defects. Unfortunately, one of the reasons that lead to a secondary rhinoplasty is having acquired an unnatural appearance. It might be better to correct the shape of each individual’s nose based on the unique shape of their face in order to achieve a natural and aesthetic final look.

2. Airway Obstruction

Another factor that leads to revision rhinoplasty is having caused damage to the structure of the nose and subsequent respiratory issues.

This causes the patient to breathe loudly or, as people say, to wheeze while they’re asleep. In some cases, the sense of smell is weakened and the patient does not pick up smells in their surroundings.

3. Drooping of the Tip of the Nose

Drooping of the Tip of the Nose revision rhinoplasty
Drooping of the Tip of the Nose revision rhinoplasty

Sometimes after the primary nose surgery has been carried out, the tip of the nose droops downward, which creates an inappropriate appearance.

In some cases, this occurs due to the inexperience of the surgeon, and due to not strengthening the cartilage of the nose.

4. Asymmetry of the Nostrils

Nostrils Asymmetry revision rhinoplasty
Nostrils Asymmetry revision rhinoplasty

One of the main concerns of patients who intend to have a nose job is to obtain symmetry in their nostrils. Although difficult, it is possible to do this, and a skilled and experienced surgeon can make the nostrils look close to identical.

On the other hand, some surgeons are not successful in their work, and the resulting asymmetry of the nostrils forces the person to undergo a revision rhinoplasty.

5. Roughness on the Top of the Nose

A revision rhinoplasty helps patients who still have a curved and uneven nose, even after their first surgery, to smooth out the unevenness, and acquire a more aesthetic appearance.

6. The Nose Still Being Larger than Desired

Sometimes, the purpose of a nose job may be merely to shrink it, in which case, if the surgeon is not skilled enough, the nose will remain larger than desired, and only undergoing a revision rhinoplasty will take care of the issue.

7. Excessive Narrowing of the Nasal Septum

Another condition is an excessive narrowing of the nasal septum, which is more common in bony noses.

This side-effect can lead to breathing problems, in addition to presenting an abnormal appearance.

But the good news is that a skilled surgeon can re-strengthen the nasal cartilage, and resolve the issue.

8. Scarring

One of the main concerns of patients who want to have a nose job is the occurrence of internal or external scars. Scars are sores that cause bumps or dents on the nose and adversely affect its attractiveness.

9. The Nostrils Facing Upward or Downward

This is another cause of nostril asymmetry that occurs as a result of incorrect surgery. Revision rhinoplasty can resolve this condition, and make the face look more beautiful.

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